Addictive Thought Patterns What They Are + How To Break Them

For example, a student may receive a C on one test and conclude that she is stupid and a failure. Overgeneralizing can lead to overly negative thoughts about yourself and your environment based on only Sober House one or two experiences. Cognitive distortions are biased perspectives we take on ourselves and the world around us. They are irrational thoughts and beliefs that we unknowingly reinforce over time.

  • They may become increasingly irritated by schedule changes and blame their odd behavior on parents, partners, their children, or an unfair employer.
  • One of the most important factors influencing attractiveness of regular substance abuse is the existence of significant opportunities for establishing goals and experiencing meaningful rewards in life.
  • Supporting someone with an addiction involves establishing boundaries, encouraging treatment, and providing empathetic yet firm support.


20 common thinking errors of addicts

He spent one European vacation roaming the streets in his underwear, knocking on doors and challenging people to fight. His children and wife barricaded themselves behind a door, terrified that he would make good on his promise to kill them. The common technique to challenge this sort of thinking is to dispute the unhelpful thoughts when making these sorts of demands. Demanding that you do well 100% of the time leads to frustration, and the avoidance in taking healthy risks. Again, this demand is “I MUST do well and win approval from others OR I’m no good.” With this demand, you need to perform perfectly and be approved of in all situations to simply consider yourself a worthwhile person.

How Do You Manage Anxiety in Addiction Recovery?

The vital point is to recognize the measures you’re taking to better your life and how you’re getting closer to ending a toxic relationship with harmful substances. All-or-nothing thinking, often known as black-and-white thinking, is a type of cognitive distortion that many individuals who suffer from SUD encounter. It leads people to perceive things in extremes and leaves no shades of gray in emotional reasoning.

Why Comparing Yourself to Others in Recovery is a Losing Game

It is a mental health disorder that can affect nearly every aspect of an individual’s life, including their relationships, career, and physical health. This comprehensive guide delves into the addict behavior, exploring common thinking patterns and strategies to mitigate the negative impact of substance abuse addiction. I have a fascinating topic for you today and it was one of my favorite things to learn in my own recovery process.

20 common thinking errors of addicts

20 common thinking errors of addicts

Cognitive Distortions: 22 Examples & Worksheets (& PDF)


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